886ccdc1 - DRILL-5568: Include hadoop-common jars inside drill-jdbc-all.jar 1) Introduce a new file inside exec/jdbc-all resource package which contains the property key/value pair for prefix 2) At build time based upon the profile choosen this property value is set inside the file 3) It is later consumed by SecurityConfiguration class to rename classpath for classes inside hadoop package.

7 years ago
DRILL-5568: Include hadoop-common jars inside drill-jdbc-all.jar 1) Introduce a new file inside exec/jdbc-all resource package which contains the property key/value pair for prefix 2) At build time based upon the profile choosen this property value is set inside the file 3) It is later consumed by SecurityConfiguration class to rename classpath for classes inside hadoop package. DRILL-5568: Code review changes close apache/drill#849
Sorabh Hamirwasia
Aman Sinha