[RFC][Codegen] Add custom namespace support (#78015)
Adding a feature to allow user to specify namespaces for operator and kernels.
# Feature
There's a feature request to allow DSL to:
1. take in an operator namespace other than `aten`.
2. take in a kernel that is in a different namespace than `at::native`.
For both features, we only allow user to have a single layer of namespace for the sake of simplicity. If user specify `custom::function` as kernel, the codegen will depend on `custom::native::function` where `native` is hardcoded.
# Proposal
For feature 1, add a `namespace` attribute to data class `NativeFunction`. The namespace will be extract out by matching pattern "::" on the `func` variable. For `NativeFunctionsGroup` there's an assumption that all variants (function, inplace, out) will have the same namespace. By default (if not specified) the namespace will be "aten".
For feature 2, add a `namespace` attribute to `BackendMetadata` class, similarly match pattern "::" on the kernel field. Remove the `cpp_namespace` field from `register_dispatch_key` data class. By default (if not specified) the namespace for a kernel would be "at::native".
Test Plan:
Example yaml entries:
- func: custom::gelu.out(Tensor self, *, str approximate='none', Tensor(a!) out) -> Tensor(a!)
structured: True
structured_inherits: TensorIteratorBase
device_check: NoCheck # TensorIterator
python_module: nn
CPU: custom::gelu_out_cpu
CUDA: custom::gelu_out_cuda
MPS: custom::gelu_out_mps
- func: custom::gelu_(Tensor(a!) self, *, str approximate='none') -> Tensor(a!)
structured_delegate: gelu.out
device_check: NoCheck # TensorIterator
python_module: nn
NestedTensorCPU, NestedTensorCUDA: custom::NestedTensor_gelu_
- func: custom::gelu(Tensor self, *, str approximate='none') -> Tensor
structured_delegate: gelu.out
device_check: NoCheck # TensorIterator
python_module: nn
MkldnnCPU: custom::mkldnn_gelu
QuantizedCPU: custom::gelu_quantized_cpu
NestedTensorCPU, NestedTensorCUDA: custom::NestedTensor_gelu
see generated code:
m.impl("gelu", TORCH_FN(wrapper_gelu));
m.impl("gelu.out", TORCH_FN(wrapper_gelu_out_out));
m.impl("gelu_", TORCH_FN(wrapper_gelu_));
struct structured_gelu_out_cpu_inplace final : public custom::native::structured_gelu_out_cpu {
structured_gelu_out_cpu_inplace(Tensor& self) : outputs_{std::ref(self)} {}
void set_output_strided(
int64_t output_idx, IntArrayRef sizes, IntArrayRef strides,
TensorOptions options, DimnameList names
) override {
const auto& out = outputs_[output_idx].get();
check_inplace(out, sizes, options);
auto maybe_proxy = maybe_create_proxy(out, sizes, strides, options);
if (C10_UNLIKELY(maybe_proxy.has_value())) {
proxy_outputs_[output_idx] = c10::ExclusivelyOwned<Tensor>(std::move(maybe_proxy).value());
if (!names.empty()) {
namedinference::propagate_names(outputs_[output_idx], names);
// super must happen after, so that downstream can use maybe_get_output
// to retrieve the output
custom::native::structured_gelu_out_cpu::set_output_raw_strided(output_idx, sizes, strides, options, names);
void set_output_raw_strided(
int64_t output_idx, IntArrayRef sizes, IntArrayRef strides,
TensorOptions options, DimnameList names
) override {
const auto& out = outputs_[output_idx].get();
check_inplace(out, sizes, options);
if (!names.empty()) {
namedinference::propagate_names(outputs_[output_idx], names);
// super must happen after, so that downstream can use maybe_get_output
// to retrieve the output
custom::native::structured_gelu_out_cpu::set_output_raw_strided(output_idx, sizes, strides, options, names);
const Tensor& maybe_get_output(int64_t output_idx) override {
return proxy_outputs_[output_idx].has_value() ? **proxy_outputs_[output_idx] : outputs_[output_idx].get();
std::array<std::reference_wrapper<Tensor>, 1> outputs_;
std::array<c10::optional<c10::ExclusivelyOwned<Tensor>>, 1> proxy_outputs_;
TORCH_LIBRARY(aten, m) {
TORCH_LIBRARY(custom, m) {
m.def("gelu.out(Tensor self, *, str approximate='none', Tensor(a!) out) -> Tensor(a!)");
m.def("gelu_(Tensor(a!) self, *, str approximate='none') -> Tensor(a!)");
m.def("gelu(Tensor self, *, str approximate='none') -> Tensor");
Differential Revision: D36558459
Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/pull/78015
Approved by: https://github.com/bdhirsh